New Inclusive Housing Campaign

We are happy to announce to start of a new campaign called:

Inclusive Housing: Community Engagement and Partnership Mapping

With this campaign, we plan to map local data on housing demands for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to recognize community leaders as experts by working with communities over the course of three years, from 2022 to 2025.

More than 5,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are looking for homes in British Columbia. The need for inclusive housing grows every day as we face increasing costs of living in our province. By mapping the need for inclusive housing, communities can make more informed decisions on how to develop future inclusive housing and communities. 

Read more about our campaign here




Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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