Inclusive Housing: The changes that will change lives.

More than 5,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are looking for homes in British Columbia.

This short film features the voices of 12 people that have a lot to say about inclusive housing. For those who have found a home to call their own, they share a sense of freedom, security, and connection. For others who are waiting, their words express frustration, sadness, and lingering hope. We know how to create inclusive housing options for people. Now, the challenge becomes how to scale up these efforts to change lives in 2022 and beyond.

Inclusion BC and our members make three recommendations that can be implemented immediately to strengthen our communities and support inclusive housing options for all.

1. Provide supplements to access the rental market.

As Heather from Langley shares, “If I had a rent subsidy, it would help. It would change my life a lot”. Historically, rental supplements have generated flexible and stable housing options for people. In our Submission to the Select Standing Committee on Finance for Budget 2022, Invest in Inclusion, we called on the government to support people served by Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) by providing $1 Million of funding per year for portable rental supplements from BC Housing. People like Heather, Katlyn, Becki, Katie, Lauren, Alex, Mike, and many more are waiting to move into their own homes, and this supplement would make it possible now.

2. Being included in housing developments.

Everybody deserves a place to live whether you have a disability or not,” says Katelyn and Article 19 – Living independently and being included in the community of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities agrees with her. Moreover, Lise, an inclusive landlord, says it well, “We are better when we are diverse.” Inclusion BC members support people throughout the province and are ready to partner with local housing developers and landlords to ensure developments are reflective of the entire community. If you want to connect with someone locally, please see our Organization Directory or reach out to us directly at

3. Being included in community housing plans

You can hear the difference a place of their own, with adequate support, has made in the lives of Alexis, Leanne, Lidia, and Susan. We call on all levels of government to include people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their housing strategies and plans. If you don’t know how to create inclusive housing options, please reach out and ask the people who know their own lives the best for solutions. The final words go to Lauren, “Teamwork is what I need.

No more spoilers; please watch here or below.


Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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