All Means All: Back-to-School 2019

#BackToSchool #AllMeansAll #Inclusion

All Means All: Back-to-School 2019

Inclusion BC #BackToSchool Resources

  • What is Inclusive Education
    Inclusive education means that all students attend and are welcomed by their neighbourhood schools in age-appropriate, regular classes and are supported to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of the life of the school. See: What is Inclusive Education
  • A Parent’s Handbook on Inclusive Education
    Everyone Belongs In Our Schools. This handbook is for parents raising school-aged children and youth with students with disabilities. See: A Parent’s Handbook on Inclusive Education
  • Resolving School Issues for Your Child With Students with Disabilities
    This article gives parents some tips and tools to address the immediate issue and to promote open and honest communication between home and school for the long term. See: Effective Approaches to Resolving School Issues for Your Child
  • How to Make Your Event More Inclusive
    The best people to provide advice on barriers to inclusion are people who have experienced exclusion. Engage people with disabilities in your planning group from the start and ensure they have supports to participate fully in the planning process. See: How to Make Your Event More Inclusive
  • Stop Hurting Kids: Report 2013
    All students deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. The families who reported incidents of restraint and seclusion also reported that such practices are traumatizing and caused long-lasting physical and emotional harm to the students who were subjected to them. See: Stop Hurting Kids
  • Stop Hurting Kids 3: Report 2017
    Five years after our report on widespread abuse of restraint and seclusion in BC schools, a follow-up investigation shows little has changed. See: Stop Hurting Kids 2

Inclusive Education Awards
The Inclusive Education Awards honour teachers, support staff and educational leaders who are doing amazing things to ensure that all students, especially those with disablities, are given full access to education and included in all aspects of school life.

External #BackToSchool Resources

  • Alana Institute: A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education
    This international research report by the Alana Institute identifies research that demonstrates the benefits of inclusive education not only for students with disabilities and students without disabilities. See: A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education
  • Inclusion International Call to Action: Inclusive Education
    Inclusion International created a campaign to draw attention to the issues that people with intellectual disabilities and their families say are the biggest barriers to inclusion. See Inclusion International’s Campaign: Call to Action: Inclusive Education
  • World Bank: Every learner matters
    Today in many countries, there has been some progress made in including children with disabilities in education; however, the barriers around ensuring educational access, meaningful participation, equal and personalized learning opportunities remain. See 2019 report by World Bank and Inclusion International: Every learner matters: Unpacking the learning crisis for children with disabilities
  • Importance of language
    Words simultaneously reflect and reinforce our attitudes and perceptions; words shape our world. See this article by Disability is Natural on the importance of language: The Case Against “Special Needs”
  • Please don’t blame the kids
    Children with disabilities who have been excluded from schools for aggressive behaviour linked to their condition are being discriminated against. The tribunal judge says aggressive behaviour is not a choice for children with autism. See Guardian UK: School discriminated against expelled autistic boy, judge rules
  • Shelley Moore: Tips for Inclusive Educators
    Shelley Moore is a teacher, researcher, consultant and storyteller and she has worked with school districts and community organizations throughout both Canada and the United States. she says, “All kids can learn! Let’s presume competence and look for evidence that captures learning in multiple ways!” See Shelley Moore’s: 5 Moore Minutes
  • ACT – Autism Community Training
    The mission of ACT – Autism Community Training is to provide excellent information and training, in accordance with international best practices. Their goal is to enable parents, professionals and para-professionals to support children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder to live productive, satisfying lives within their families and communities. See ACT’s: Inclusive Education Video or attend ACT sponsored Workshop with Dr. Ross Greene
  • PBS Video: The Kids We Lose
    When behaviorally-challenged children enter schools many educators are not able to mitigate the nonconforming behaviours. This film investigates how the system uses discipline rather than effective measures, leading to a school-to-prison pipeline for many disadvantaged students. Watch PBS video: The Kids We Lose
  • Edutopia: 8 Proactive Classroom Management Tips
    Edutopia is dedicated to transforming K-12 education so that all students can acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to thrive in their studies, careers, and adult lives. Establish, maintain, and restore relationships: Building relationships with students through strategies like greeting them at the door is a good start. It’s also necessary to maintain them over the course of the school year, and to repair them when conflicts arise. See Edutopia’s 8 Proactive Classroom Management Tips

#AllMeansAll #BackToSchool #Inclusion

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Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
