Stop Hurting Kids

No to the use of physical restraint and seclusion in British Columbia schools. Yes to promoting prevention, deescalation, and positive behaviour support.

Stopping the use of Restraint and Seclusion in Schools

Use of physical restraint and seclusion shouldn’t be part of any student’s educational experience. Our policy review shows many school districts still don’t have policies that meet provincial guidelines on the use of restraints and seclusion, despite a mandate from the Ministry of Education.

A student is secluded when they are instructed to stay in a room that is locked from the outside, and the student is not allowed to leave. Physical restraint and seclusion are proven to cause severe trauma and physical harm to children. The use of physical restraint and seclusion is disproportionately experienced by children with disabilities and additional support needs.

WATCH: W5 Investigates: Restrained, Pt. 1

A Brief History

2013: Inclusion BC and the Family Support Institute studied the use of physical restraint and seclusion in schools across the province. The report, which was sent to the Ministry of Education and released to the public, included two province-wide surveys completed by parents and guardians. The results were shocking.

2015: As a result of this report, the Ministry of Education established the new provincial guidelines encouraging school districts to develop policies to control the use of physical restraint and seclusion in schools. The guidelines also aimed to increase accountability and train staff in non-violent, positive behaviour supports.  

2019: The Ministry of Education requested all school districts in British Columbia establish clear policies around the use of physical restraint and seclusion, based on the 2015 Provincial Guidelines. School districts were given until December 2019 to put their new policies in place.

2022: Inclusion BC completed a policy review to see how many school districts had implemented policies in line with the 2015 Provincial Guidelines, as directed. This review revealed that policy language and implementation is alarmingly inconsistent across the province’s 60 school districts.

Reporting Incidents of the Use of Restraint and Seclusion is Inadequate and Harmful   

The lack of and differences between reporting mechanisms create an information gap at local and provincial levels about the harmful use of physical restraint and seclusion in schools. We want every school district to present their documentation and reporting procedures. Superintendents should be informed of every incident in their district. 

Our Goal: Stop the Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Across the Province

Inclusion BC believes:

  • All school boards must adopt policies and procedures in compliance with the Provincial Guidelines under the provincial mandate.
  • School districts should be held accountable for following existing provincial guidelines that require them to report incidents of physical restraint and seclusion.
  • The province should support training in positive behaviour supports and conflict de-escalation for teachers, support staff, administrators, and district staff.

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