Letters, Submissions, Reports and Briefs

Find a full list of written submissions, reports, and briefs by Inclusion BC.

Inclusion BC Annual Report

A full summary of our 2023–2024 campaigns, initiatives, and achievements, plus financial accountability and goals for the future.

Read the Report

Winter 2024
Letter to the Minister of Health

Position statement on Access to Health and Coordination of Care for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and meeting request with Health Minister Adrian Dix.

 Read our Letter 

Summer, 2023
Talk with Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care

Read the Summary

Submission for Provincial Budget 2024 

Delivered in person to the Standing Committee on Finance in Vancouver to advocate for the rights and opportunities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

Download the Submission

Spring 2022
Stop Hurting Kids: Full Report on the Review of the Adoption of Policies on the Use of Physical Restraint and Seclusion

A policy review by Inclusion BC to see how many school districts were complying with the 2015 Provincial Guidelines as directed.

Read the Submission

Summer 2022
Submission To the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth

A report on the review of the Representative for Children and Youth Act: Why expanding the mandate of the Representative would be beneficial for children, youth, and young adults with disabilities and their rights.

Read the Submission

Spring 2021
Recommendations to the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act

A submission identifying opportunities to enhance equity and transparency for people with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Read the Submission

Fall 2019 Brief:
British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation

A written brief with 16 recommendations in response to the request by the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

Read the Brief

Ending The Wait:
Report to the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth with Neuro-Diverse Special Needs. 

A report on overcoming systematic delays in the provision of support for neuro-diverse children and youth.

Read the Report

Fall 2019 Brief:
British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation

A written brief with 16 recommendations in response to the request by the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

Read the Brief

Related Initiatives

Position Statements

Inclusion BC is writing a series of position statements outlining our position on many key issues facing the disability community. Read our position statements as they are released throughout 2024.

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Understand your voting rights, how to register to vote, who your local candidates are, what they believe in, and what they will do if they are elected.

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Kids Can’t Wait

Thousands of children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in British Columbia sit on waitlists for urgently-needed therapies, supports and services. Many children and youth age out of systems before they reach the top of the list.

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Kamloops, BC from the air – a bridge crosses a river with hills on either side.

Community-Led Collaboration Project

Every community is unique. So are children and youth with disabilities or support needs, and their families. These community conversations will inform change and build better support systems for children with disabilities or support needs, and their families.

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Stop Hurting Kids

Physical restraint and seclusion shouldn’t be part of any student’s educational experience. Our policy review shows many school districts still don’t have policies that meet provincial guidelines on the use of restraints and seclusion, despite a mandate from the Ministry of Education.

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All Students Belong

Neighborhood schools are the hearts of our communities. Inclusive education means all students are welcomed into age-appropriate, regular classrooms in their neighbourhood school, with the support they need to learn, contribute, and participate in every aspect of student life.

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Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougen, Advocate

Barriers to Inclusion Look Different for Different People and Families

Explore the services, supports, and systems we can help you access.

What We Do
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