
Voting is your right! Get the information you need about elections to make the best choice for you and your community.

You Can Vote! 

Understand your voting rights and how to register to vote. Learn who your local candidates are, what they believe in, and what they will do if they are elected. 

Voting can be a little tricky when you don’t know what to expect. Use our free resources to help you prepare for election day, and make your voting experience a good one!

Read our 2024 Provincial Election Guide

Read the PDF Guide

Get ready to be an active participant in shaping the future of BC!

This package gives you some ideas about how to get involved in the election. It explains some things about how an election works.

This package has:

  • Written information in plain language and large print
  • A small poster that you can take a picture with. Post your pictures online with #IAmVoting to spread the word about voting in the 2024 Provincial Election.

Please share this information with your friends.

Voting for the first time can be a little scary because often people do not know what to expect. This guide will help you understand what voting is about and why it is important. We hope this information will help make your voting experience a good one!

Dive into our comprehensive guide on everything you need to know
about voting and the Provincial Election this Fall.

2024 Provincial Election Dates

Advance Voting Days:
October 10 –13, 2024
October 15 –16, 2024

Election Day
October 19, 2024

To register to vote in British Columbia, you have to be: 

✓ A Canadian citizen

✓ Who has lived in British Columbia for six months or longer

✓ And is living in the area where you plan to vote for one month or longer

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Position Statements

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Diversity Includes

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Kamloops, BC from the air – a bridge crosses a river with hills on either side.

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