Public Policy and Systems Advocacy

Advocating for inclusive change, at every level, for everyone.

Advocating for Systems-Level Change

Inclusion BC works with people, families, and partner organizations to effect inclusive change in provincial, municipal, and district-level systems and policies.

We support people and families every day. Through this work, we learn about the policies and systems that are working—and those that aren’t—for children, youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families in communities across British Columbia.

Inclusion BC keeps the principles of inclusion at the forefront of policy makers and elected officials. We do this through strategic campaigns, and in-person presence at key moments. We also write letters, reports, and recommendations to local and provincial government agencies and policy makers to demand inclusive change.

Have a Question? 

If you have any questions about the kind of work we do around inclusive systems and policy change, connect with us and we’ll be happy to help. You might also find some answers here!

Do you do systems advocacy work at a national level, or just provincial?

Inclusion BC has several provincial-level campaigns that push for change at a systems level. 

Nationally, we also partner with Inclusion Canada on several initiatives, including:  

  • The National Disability Benefit
  • Medical Assistance in Dying Safeguards
  • Access to Justice
  • Revitalizing our Social Movement

I want to talk to my elected Member of the Legislative Assembly about inclusion issues. Do you have talking points for me? 

Yes, absolutely! Our Diversity Includes campaign has everything you need to arrange and prepare for your meeting, including links to tips and resources, an email template, and background sheets. Please go to the Diversity Includes page for information and resource links.

How can I get involved in systems and policy advocacy with Inclusion BC?

We’re more than happy to answer this one! We are always looking for volunteers. The best way to match your skills and passions with one of our campaigns for change is to go to the Volunteer page.

Get in Touch

Do you have a question, or want to get involved with the Inclusion Movement at a systems level? We’d love to hear from you.

Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougen, Advocate

Advocating for Systems-Level Change

Inclusion BC works with people, families, and partner organizations to effect inclusive change in provincial, municipal, and district-level systems and policies.

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