Self Advocacy Leadership Institute

Join us for two days of events and sessions and earn a certificate for your learning and activism!

Learn New Ways to Advocate, and Celebrate Yourself!

You’re working hard to advocate for yourself and bring inclusion to your community. This certificate program recognizes you for all the hard work you’re doing!  

Self Advocacy Leadership sessions are part of Inclusion BC’s annual Everybody Belongs conference. At the end of these sessions, the British Columbia Self Advocate Leadership Network will award you with a certificate. The next conference is happening in Richmond, in June 2025. Spots are opening soon! 

If you need financial help getting to the conference in Richmond, you can also apply for a scholarship. This scholarship covers most of your costs to attend, including travel and accommodation expenses. Please contact us and let us know you are interested in getting a scholarship.

The Self Advocacy Leadership Institute is open to the first 100 people to apply! 

Applications open February 2025.

Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougen, Advocate

Discover the services, supports, and systems we can help you access

Barriers to inclusion look different to different people and families. Learn about our advocacy services and partners to get started!

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