How People with Disabilities are Leading their Movement in their Community

A colorful banner with people presenting, laughing, and talking together. Text reads: Everybody Belongs 2024. Inclusion BC, Nanaimo BC. May 30 - June 1 2024

How People with Disabilities are Leading their Movement in their Community

Have you ever wondered how you can develop your advocacy skills and be more of a leader in your community? 

If so, you may want to sign up for the Self Advocacy Leadership Institute being held at the 2024 Everybody Belongs conference in Nanaimo from May 30 to June 1. Sessions featured as part of the Institute range from building connections with cookies and exploring RDSPs to managing and writing for social media, blogs, and websites. Certificates to recognize your learning will be issued by the BC Self Advocacy Leadership Network (BCSALN) at the end of the conference. 

One of the sessions that we are very excited for is “How People with Disabilities are Leading Their Movement in Their Community.” 

In this interactive presentation, you will hear from five self-advocates about how they became leaders and how they use their positions to help people with disabilities become leaders as well. The speakers will also share how they have transitioned from regular day services to using their service hours more creatively and flexibly.  

Through a fun activity, this session will help you to explore how you may already be a leader, how you can become more of a leader, and how you can adapt your role as a leader to include the things you love. This activity is for everyone and will help self-advocates, family members, and staff to look at how they can support leadership opportunities within their roles. There will also be time for participants to ask questions and share their stories/experiences. 

This session is on Thursday, May 30 from 4:00 – 5:00 pm and is hosted by Lauren Simpson, Stacey Kohler, Natalie Raven, Alexa Lehwald, Jeevan Basra, Tara Wall, Marjorie Cenezero, and guest speaker Dr. Fiona Whittington-Walsh. 


Spaces for the Self Advocacy Leadership Institute are limited, so don’t wait to register! 

Read More and Register Here


Everybody Belongs is organized in partnership with:

NACL logologo for the British Columbia Self Advocate Leadership Network


This article was featured in the latest edition of our monthly newsletter, Inclusion in Action. Subscribe today to receive regular updates.

Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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