Kids Can’t Wait

Advocating for better funding and timely access to early intervention supports, services and therapies.

Children Can’t Put Their Age on Hold

Thousands of children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in British Columbia sit on waitlists for urgently-needed therapies, supports and services. Many never get the help and support they need because they age out of systems before they reach the top of the list.

Our goal is to make sure early intervention and education systems are well-funded and easily accessible. These systems must be supported by good policies and practices. We believe children and youth and families across British Columbia should have faster, easier access to:

  • Early intervention therapies like occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and more
  • Timely assessments
  • Family respite
  • Mental health supports
  • Medical supports, including equipment
  • In-home supports
  • Inclusive child care 
  • Before- and after-school care for all ages and inclusive of children and youth with disabilities

Children and Families Need:


The Kids Can’t Wait campaign continues its work through our new initiative, the Community-Led Collaboration Project. 


Kids Can’t Wait Advocacy Partners

  • Aspire Richmond
  • BC Association for Child Development and Intervention
  • BC Centre for Ability
  • BC Complex Kids Society
  • Family Support Institute of BC
  • First Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society
  • Fraser Valley Child Development Centre
  • Inclusion Langley
  • Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Infant Development Program
  • Provincial Advisor for Aboriginal Supported Child Development Program
Inclusive education means designing schools, programs, and activities so that all students can participate and learn together. Inclusive public neighbourhood schools are the heart of quality education systems. Erika Cedillo , Director of Public Policy and Program

Discover the services, supports, and systems we can help you access

Barriers to inclusion look different to different people and families. Learn about our advocacy services and partners to get started!

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