Inclusion BC Annual General Meeting

WHEN: FRIDAY, MAY 24 – 12:30 pm
WHERE: Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour (728 Humboldt St, Victoria, BC) Ballroom (Salon A)


*NOTE*: Lunch will also be held at the new location. Tickets for lunch must be pre-purchased through online conference registration. If you are attending just the AGM and not the conference, lunch tickets can be purchased directly from Inclusion BC (see details below).


Register for the AGM with your INCLUSION 2019 Conference registration (conference fees apply). To attend only the AGM, please email to register. Copies of the annual report will be available online and at the conference for delegates who have registered for the AGM.

Inclusion BC’s AGM will be held alongside our annual learning event (Inclusion 2019) and will give attendees and our members an update on what we accomplished in 2018/2019 and a chance for organizational members to vote on resolutions that will help guide our future.

All Inclusion BC members (individual, family and organizational) have been invited to submit nominations and resolutions in advance and are welcome to speak to any nomination or resolution at the AGM. Everyone is welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting, but only organizational members in good standing can vote.


This year the Board positions open for election are 3 three-year terms and 2 two-year terms for Director.

View the nominations for Inclusion BC’s Board of Directors.


Resolutions are important and help unite us in achieving full inclusion, provide a way for us to talk about what’s important and send a strong message to others that an issue is important enough to take a position on it. Resolutions establish clear public policies and positions on new or emerging issues and priorities.

Two resolutions from Inclusion BC members are up for consideration at Inclusion BC’s 2019 Annual General Meeting.

Read the 2019 AGM Resolutions.

Inclusion BC is thrilled to welcome Community Services Benefits Trust as a sponsor of our Annual General Meeting.

Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

Support Our Work, Empower Everyone.

Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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