Inclusion BC and CLBC launch three-year plan to increase inclusive housing

Inclusion BC and Community Living BC (CLBC) have today launched a collaborative three-year plan to increase inclusive housing options in British Columbia. The plan was developed by an Inclusive Housing Task Force (IHTF) created by both organizations.

Adults with developmental disabilities, and their families, have told us that access to inclusive housing is a vital need. Recent investments by federal and provincial governments in housing provide a tremendous opportunity. However, meeting the need requires information, awareness and collaboration among municipalities, developers , service agencies, self advocate and family groups.

Inclusive housing means homes where people with developmental disabilities feel they are a part of their communities. It is accessible, stable housing where they have choice and control over their living space, and where they live with neighbours who do not have disabilities and have diverse interests and backgrounds. Inclusive housing improves the quality of life for all community residents.

To increase inclusive housing, over the next three years Inclusion BC and CLBC will collaborate in four areas:

  1. Data and Resources – to conduct research to outline current and future demand for inclusive housing for use by governments, housing providers, housing developers, community living agencies and individuals and families.
  2. Identity and visibility – to help the community living and housing sectors raise awareness among all stakeholders about the benefits of inclusive housing for both individuals and their communities.
  3. Affordability and finance – to support housing initiatives at the federal, provincial and municipal government level to ensure people with developmental disabilities benefit from these initiatives.
  4. Inclusive design – to support people with developmental disabilities to participate in planning and design of inclusive housing projects, and to encourage the adoption of universal design criteria.

Read the plan here.

This plan was created by a 14-member Inclusive Housing Task Force (IHTF) established by Inclusion BC and CLBC. The IHTF invited more than 60 resource people for a full day forum on January 18, 2018 to create the framework of the plan. Participants included people with disabilities, family members, developers, builders, elected officials, city planners, Indigenous groups and community organizations.


Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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