Freedom to: Learn

Make Inclusive Education a reality in ALL schools.

All students need the freedom to: learn.

With the right support, students with intellectual disabilities thrive. Watch Taya’s story now to discover more.

“I’m Taya, and I like proving people wrong”

With the right support, students with intellectual disabilities thrive.

Decades of research shows that inclusive education benefits all students—those with disabilities and without—in both the short and long term. Take action today.

Sign up to receive our free guide on Inclusive Education: ‘A parent’s handbook on Inclusive Education’.

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Why Inclusive Education Works 

Number one

More learning potential:

Students achieve better grades and graduate at higher rates.

number two

More earning potential and community involvement as adults:

Students improve their earning potential as they enter the workforce.

number 3

Better social connections and benefits for all:

A study covering 4.8 million students shows inclusive education had no negative impact, just positive impact, on the academic performance of peers without disabilities. (Source)

What does Inclusive Education look like?

Welcomed and Valued:

Students of ALL abilities are welcomed and valued for who they are.

Support and Goals:

All students are supported to set personal goals and build on their individual strengths.

Equitable Access and Fairness:

All students receive the help and accommodations they need to overcome systemic barriers and discrimination.

Interaction and Collaboration:

All students are supported to interact, play and collaborate with their peers.

Parents & Caregivers as Partners:

Parents are respected partners in their child’s education and local school community.

Strong School Commitment:

Schools commit to being a safe, welcoming and supportive environment that values belonging and diversity.

How We Help at Inclusion BC

Raising Awareness

Bringing public awareness to the benefits of inclusion and diversity in schools.


Advocating with Students, Parents & Caregivers

Providing one-to-one advocacy support to parents/caregivers trying to figure out the school system. Contact us for help.


Driving Systemic Change

Working at a systems-level to advocate for effective policy change and financial investment in supports for students and teachers. 


Training & Education

Providing training and education opportunities for educators and parents, families and caregivers.


Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

Support Our Work, Empower Everyone.

Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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