Film Series: Disrupting Misconceptions and Forging Pathways for Students

Inclusion BC and the Canadian Institute for Inclusion and Citizenship (CIIC) partnered to create four short films to raise awareness about the exclusion of students with developmental disabilities and to offer key information and possible pathways to success for students, families, and schools. We convened focus groups that included former students, families, educators, Indigenous people, professionals, and community organizations to co-create the vision for these films. Drawing on their lived experiences, participants shared stories and offered examples of the issues and the barriers they face. The films can be found HERE.

We want these films to inspire future learning for educators by offering knowledge, strategies, and approaches that debunk negative myths about the inclusion of students with disabilities in regular classrooms, raise the expectations of the educational outcomes of students with developmental disabilities, shift the language from deficit to strength-based, honour cultural approaches, and position students with developmental disabilities as contributing members of classroom communities and our society. 

These short films can be watched individually or all together as a series, we invite educators to watch them with their colleagues and with their students. We hope they will provoke meaningful discussions. Inclusion BC and the CIIC would love to hear the actions that these films have inspired you to take.

We encourage you to share these films with those around you, and if you require a high-resolution video file version of any of the films for streaming, please email us at


The four films include:

Film 1Exercising Self Determination in our Schools

British Columbia has embraced a competency-based curriculum. At the heart of this pedagogical approach is nurturing self-determination within ALL learners. Every student has the right to set goals, make plans, reflect on their learning, and recognize their growth and agency.


Film 2Getting Ready to Work in our Schools

In this film, self-advocates, educators, family members, and employment experts spotlight key considerations for nurturing career pathways for students. Everyone deserves to be recognized as a contributing member of society through employment.


Film 3: Reframing Challenging Behaviour in our Schools

This short film invites us to rethink how we perceive challenging behaviour in schools. Centering the voices of self-advocates, viewers are encouraged to consider how our responses to behaviors that are symptomatic of something else can be either identity-supportive or harmful.

For this film, we also hosted a webinar where the featured speakers discussed the topics in the film. This can be found HERE.



Film 4: Indigeneity and Disability in our Schools

We have much to learn from Indigenous perspectives on disability and inclusion. This film calls educators to welcome the gifts of Indigenous students with disabilities and to recognize their culture as part of who they are and how they learn.

All four films and the webinar recording can be found in the Inclusive Education section of our Resources page or by following this link:

Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

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Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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