Conversations in Campbell River, Gold River and Surrounding Communities

Community-Led Collaboration Project

Featured image taken by Lisa Bournelis, author of children’s book Louis and the Dictator


Campbell River is located on the unceded traditional territory of the Ligwiłda’xw people; the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum, and Kwiakah First Nations. We acknowledge the Metis, Inuit and Urban Indigenous People who also live throughout this territory. 


Conversations in Campbell River, Gold River and Surrounding Communities


We have completed all the steps of our engagement sequence and we are finishing the final report for these wonderful communities! Stay tuned.


The Final Community Report will be available soon.


If you would like to receive a copy of the report, please send an email to


In May and June of 2023, we hosted conversations to hear about how there can be a better network of services and supports for children and youth with support needs in Campbell River, Gold River and surrounding areas.

These conversations were designed with the intention of creating inclusive, culturally safe, and accessible spaces to connect. Children and youth with disabilities or support needs are 0-19 years of age, have a disability, diagnosed or undiagnosed, need support, and/or have a possible developmental delay.


We had conversations with:

  • Youth, families, and caregivers.
    • In Campbell River – Saturday, May 27, 10 am – 12 pm at Laichwiltach Family Life Society (gym)
  • Local community service providers.
    • In Campbell River – Friday, May 26, 10 am to 12 pm at Laichwiltach Family Life Society (gym)

In each conversation, participants were invited to share their ideas about:

  • What services and supports for children and youth with support needs are working well in Campbell River? 
  • What gaps in services and support exist? 
  • What does a better network of services and supports look like in Campbell River? 



Conversations in Gold River

Thank you to everyone for your interest and contributions in the community conversations in Gold River.

Although these sessions have ended, we still value your ideas!


In June of 2023, we hosted conversations in Gold River as part of the Conversations in Campbell River and surrounding communities engagement.

We had conversations with:

  • Youth, families, and caregivers.
    • In Gold River – Thursday, June 1, 6 to 8 pm
  • Families, caregivers and service providers.
    • In Gold River – Friday, June 2, at the Health Fair


At each of these opportunities, participants were invited to share their ideas about:

  • What services and supports for children and youth with support needs are working well in Gold River?
  • What gaps in services and support exist?
  • What does a better network of services and supports look like in Gold River?
Our approach to advocacy is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, which recognizes the full citizenship and human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Kerridan Dougan, Advocate

Support Our Work, Empower Everyone.

Together, we can break down barriers and create an inclusive world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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