Ready, Willing and Able

Real work for real pay. Educating and supporting employers with inclusive hiring practices, nationwide.

People with Intellectual Disabilities Are Ready, Willing and Able To Work

People with disabilities should have the same opportunities as non-disabled people. They should also be paid the same as non-disabled people for the same work. 

Ready, Willing and Able is a Canada-wide initiative that engages, educates, and supports employers to hire people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. Inclusion BC delivers the Ready, Willing and Able program in British Columbia.


“Overall, it’s no different than hiring any other employee. You have to put the right person with the right job and Ready, Willing and Able provides the help and guidance that you need.” 

— Mike Stargratt, Regional Manager
Wendy’s Restaurants of PEI


Inclusive employers consistently report better-than-average productivity and performance among employees with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder. 

These employers also say inclusive hiring has positive impacts on their workplace culture, boosting morale and building a sense of connectedness. Plus, customers are more likely to support businesses with inclusive hiring practices, because inclusivity and diversity reflects their own values.

Common Questions From Employers Like You!

It’s okay to have questions. We’ll answer as many as we can here. Please get in touch for direct support or other questions!


What should I expect from an employee with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder? 

Like people without a disability, people with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder are all different, with unique strengths, weaknesses, skills and talents. The Ready, Willing, And Able program helps you place candidates in positions that align with their skills and strengths. 

Will I have support?

Ready, Willing and Able provides support to employers and their employees. This support is based on each person’s needs, and can include job coaches and on-the-job accommodations or workplace modifications initially, or on an on-going basis.

Do I have to offer full-time hours?

Nope! Part-time, seasonal or summer employment may be exactly what a potential employee with an intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder is looking for.


More Frequently Asked Questions

Get Support For Inclusive Hiring

Ready, Willing and Able
Employers are finding their workplaces, and bottom lines, are better off when they hire people of all abilities. Inclusive hiring leads to higher job satisfaction and employee loyalty, saving employers on the costs associated with high turnover and repeated recruitment. Jillian Bradley, Director of Employment

Discover the services, supports, and systems we can help you access

Barriers to inclusion look different to different people and families. Learn about our advocacy services and partners to get started!

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